Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One of those weeks ...

... and it's only Wednesday!

Ever have one of those weeks when every time you take two positive steps forward, you find that somewhere along the way something happens to take you at least five steps back? Why is that?!

It wears me out, makes me mad and makes me withdrawal into myself ... I hate that!

I'm thankful for God, friends and family who pull me through the hard weeks!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Answered prayers ...

Sometimes God says "Yes!"
Sometimes He says "No!"
Sometimes He says, "Not yet!"

Thankful that His timing is perfect!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Life is good ...

Happily married!
Love my husband and my 3 children!
My family loves me!
Have a job ... and I enjoy it!
Friends are abundant!
Church family touches my heart and holds me accountable ... especially my small group!
Thanks, God ... my life is full of blessings : )