Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween ...

This is not my favorite holiday, but it has been a great day so far! Went to the office and worked for 3 1/2 hours this a.m. ... was very productive : ) Then worked out for about 20 minutes on the elliptical. YAY!!

Quiet in the house right now ... Mike just woke up from a brief Saturday afternoon nap. The kittens are sleeping as is Buddy. The dryer is humming quietly and steadily in the basement ... I can hear it from the vent in my home office.

Kristian and Mike have been sick all week ... actually took her to the doctor. Ear infection! Now she and Mike are getting better and my throat hurts a little bit. Of course, that could also be from the chocolate I've eaten this week! Grrrr!!!

Gonna do a bit of reading/writing now, then have snack to make to take to a Halloween get-together with friends after we hand out candy to all the little goblins that stop by our house for trick-or-treating tonight : )

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prayers needed for Uncle Dean

If you are reading this today ... please say a prayer for my Uncle Dean ... he is in the hospital, mid to late 70s ... cancer survivor and either heart attack or stroke survivor. Apparently, he fell recently, and as a result he broke some vertebrae ... and nobody knew it. Also surround my Aunt Bernice as she will be by his side no matter what, and will not get the rest she needs. They also have 5 grown children and many grandchildren. Please surround the whole clan!
Thanks, much!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life update ...

All is well! Coach Rigoni is busy gearing up for basketball season to start! He's ready! Practices begin the week of Veteran's Day : )
Kristian is looking at colleges ... culinary arts schools, and will soon be 18! YIKES!
Megan & Brian: Looking for jobs closer to home!
Zach: moved out on his own, truly on his own ... paying rent, utilities, the whole 9 yards ... doing well!

Faith and Church:
Time with God: Continually trying to spend more time with God, doing devotions/praying and reading my Bible. Still don't have a good routine in place. But I'm working on it. Listen to a lot of podcasts of folks like Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, Mark Johnson (local minister at Calvary Temple) and others.

- I got to write and deliver the message, "Benefits of Believing" on Oct. 18. It was based on the 18th Book of Acts.

My Small Group is reorganizing ... our group is a multi-generational, multi-life-stage group and we have found that it is getting harder and harder for us to meet on a regular basis. So, we are going to have a semi-virtual small group ... do our prayer requests/praises via e-mail and phone, but still try to meet once a month to share fellowship, fun and food : ) Such wonderful relationships and connections that we don't want to lose.

Meet Me at the Manger - Kids' (2nd thru 6th graders) Christmas musical rehearsal starts tonight - I get to help co-direct! The musical is great ... fun music, drama that tugs at the heartstrings and tickles the funny bone! Sure to please all who participate, and all who come to see it!

Advertising sales are picking up in Illinois Country Living! YAY! I still love my job and am blessed because I still have a job. So many people without these days! I am one of the fortunate ones!

Health & Wellness:
Better ... working out more, eating less junk ... including more healthy foods! It's a continual journey!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Social Media ...

Are you using it? And if so, which forms:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009