Saturday, January 30, 2010

Almost February ... already!

Hard to believe that the first month of 2010 is almost complete already! I have started some great new habits ... mostly working out regularly and eating much healthier :) I notice the difference, too. Trying not to be such a procrastinator with the things that must be done, as well.

In fact, I have three stories due on Feb. 4, and I am hoping to finish each of them this weekend and turn them in on Monday.

I am doing better with making my sales calls, setting up appointments and going for the sale. It's all about building relationships, really, and I love that part of my job!

As for my own business ... it has been put on hold for the time being. I am trying desperately to figure out exactly what direction I am supposed to be taking it.

We are also working with Kristian to plan out college opportunities for her. She is convinced she wants to go to Johnson and Wales ... and she has already been accepted. Just have to figure out where the money is going to come from.

OK ... gotta get some stories written.

Hope the close of your January finds you with everything you had hoped the New Year would bring : )
