Sunday, July 25, 2010

PR with Purpose ...

Thinking about the direction of my business ... PR with Purpose ... a great deal lately. Though it began as a public relations business, it continues to evolve.  Public relations will likely continue to be an aspect of this venture. However, we are evolving more into a business of inspiration/motivation/encouragement and health/wellness through public speaking/writing/publishing and podcasting to come soon.We are excited about what's to come!

Stay tuned as we move forward ...

Purposefully yours,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tilt ...

Do you ever feel like the ball in a pinball machine ... going in all different directions and hoping that you'll land in the appropriate place, at the right time, with the right information and the right people, pointing in the right direction?

Just wonderin' ...

Wishing you a week of roses n rainbows as you find your direction!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Theme ... waiting!

Last night's Bible study focused on waiting and God's timing. Today, my best friend (Leslie) sent me a text that said "Wait" without knowing about the study. While working out, I listened to four of Joyce Myer's podcasts, all of which talked about waiting and God's timing and not our timing.

Hmmm ... do ya think I'm supposed to be getting a clue, here?

I'm waiting to see!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hubby has started his own blog

Check it out at ...

Seeking direction ...

Always wondering if I am following the plan that God has planned for me. This weekend I have the privilege of "preaching" at the church where I spent my childhood. It's so cool how God can bring the past back into our lives to provide blessings! I'm looking forward to reconnecting with those who helped form my faith. And of course, I get to see Leslie, too ... best friend of 36 years! I love that!!
Wishing you roses and rainbows!