Saturday, August 14, 2010

Looking for the signs ...

Interestingly, well to me, anyway ... I asked God to share a sign with me to help me discern which writing project he wanted me to pour my energies into. I immediately heard a reference that made me think one of them was the top priority. Do you ever have those days when you already know the answer, really, but simply need affirmation? Well, I do. And this has been one of those weeks, actually ... and especially in the last two days. So I got the first sign. Not quite good enough to convince me. He sent the second. Still wondering if I am making more out of what is happening and being shown to me. So, yes, I asked for the third, just so I could be sure.

Not surprisingly, God is a God of abundance and I have now had no less than five or six things brought to my attention that makes me believe God wants me to work on the MiRRoR project. And so I am. I have dug out all the notes, notebooks, cards, scraps of paper, Bible and the written messages I have done on this. Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows. It is so close to my heart, soul and mind. It's time to share with everyone. So, stay tuned!

In the meantime, I wish you Roses n Rainbows!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Making Connections ...

I just returned from a business trip with fellow cooperative editors/advertising colleagues from the various states. We met in the DC area. I'm always impressed with the family-feel of the electric cooperative employees. I've only been with the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives for almost three years, which is a short time, relatively speaking. I'm happy to be a part of this group.