Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving and blessings ...

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday celebration I am reminded of how very blessed I am, and I give thanks for:

Family - two daughters and a son and a son-in-law, each of whom I love very much! A husband who is loving, caring, faithful, fun-loving and the light of my life! Parents who are still married ... to each other ... and who would give you the shirt off their back. A brother I adore and only wished lived closer. Aunts, uncles and cousins too numerous to name! My very best friend of 36 years who I consider to be my sister! My church family, whom I depend on much more than they probably know!

Friends - so many friends, old and new ... it's said that God places people in our lives for the different seasons of our lives and for different reasons. My seasons have been overflowing with so many wonderful people that I am honored to call friends! Thank you!

Job/work - There are many who don't have the opportunity to get up and go to work, much less go to a job they actually like. I am blessed to have both ... a job that I like, plus, the bonus of liking the people with whom I work. It's a family, in and of itself!

Opportunities - to write, to speak, to perform thru song and drama, to share inspiring stories and lift others up! Life is good ... it should be shared!

Stuff - some folks don't have a roof over their head, a bed to sleep on and/or blankets to warm them, food to fill their tummies, or clothes/shoes to protect them from the elements. My family is fortunate! We don't live extravagantly ... we are thankful, though, for the comfort of a warm home, food and clothes.

God - Most of all I am thankful for God who pours blessings on us, who loves us unconditionally and is merciful, forgiving, loving and gracious!

For the Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows of life! May each fulfill God's purpose for His day!

Happy Thanksgiving!