Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy New Year ...

I hope your year is off to a great start!

It looks like I was a bit over-ambitious with my deadline for the inaugural podcast. Hoped to have it ready by Jan. 15, but it looks like it may be closer to the end of January/beginning of February!

It's amazing how life happens and we get wrapped up in what's going on. Fortunately, it's all been good things to get wrapped in, including Megan and Brian being home this week. Had a wonderful family dinner Wednesday night with everyone, and they are coming back over tomorrow evening to hang out for a bit. Plus, it's basketball season, so I try to go to Mike's games ... at least the home games. I really enjoy watching him coach. And his principal forwarded a great letter to him last week, from a referee who was complimenting the behavior and school spirit the kids have shown under Mike's leadership. That's really what teaching and coaching should be all about ... I'm so proud of him!

OK ... much to do, so I'll close for now!

Wishing you rainbows and roses!