Saturday, August 29, 2009

Death ... Life

When someone I know dies ... it always makes me think about life, theirs, of course ... what kind of impression did that person make on me, on others? What was special about them? How did they interact with others? What will I remember most?

I've known Dennis Wendling for a little over 18 years ... and he died suddenly Thursday night at only 68 years old, leaving behind a family who adored him and many people who called him friend. What I know is this: he is the Dad of my husband's ex-wife. He was a positive role model in my husband's life, and I loved him for that. I don't think I ever told him so. He made me feel like a part of the family when Mike and I started our relationship and through the years of our marriage. He and Gloria came to our wedding ... Gloria even designed my bouquet and did the flowers for our wedding ... I'm not sure she knows how much that meant to me either; they took Kristian sometimes when they picked up Megan and Zach when they were all so little in those early years. I don't know if I ever thanked either of them for showing her that love. I love that Dennis dressed up as Santa Claus every year and touched the hearts of young and old with his naturally white beard, twinkling eyes and bright smile. I love that he and Gloria did that together, she is a beautiful Mrs. Claus.

I don't remember if I ever thanked him or Gloria for taking Zach to Disney so many years ago ... and for making sure Zach called me to let me know that they were all OK, even with the hurricane/storms. And that they asked me to call Melanie and let her know. They believed in me as a parent! That meant the world to me!

Today, as I think about how wonderful our children are, how strong Melanie and Ron's marriage seems to be, how strong mine and Mike's marriage is, I know that much of that is because of the example Dennis and Gloria have set. I asked Mike last night one of the things he'll remember most about Dennis, and his response was "That he always made sure his family was taken care of, no matter what life's circumstances brought their way." That is how Mike is today ... he loves us, his family, unconditionally and I can always count on him no matter what life brings our way.

Don't wait to share how positive an impact someone has had on your life. If you love someone ... take time today to let them know ... before it's too late!

Dennis, I know God is enjoying your company today! You are missed already, and you are loved!

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today is the day ...

to take hold of my own attitude and make sure it is properly adjusted!!

Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Visit from Megan ...

YAY!! Megan got to come home and visit all of us! Hadn't seen her since her graduation in May! She looks wonderful ... has been eating healthy and working out and it shows! I am so proud of her. She has inspired me! I didn't get to do a lot of visiting with her, as I had to be at work.

I did get to talk with her some on Tuesday when she came over because I was home sick ... food poisoning we think. GRRR!!! At least it gave me an opportunity to see her and catch up a bit. Sure miss having her and Brian around here ... I know that Mike, Kristian and Zach miss her terribly, too ... perhaps one of these days they'll be able to move closer to home. Even Champaign-Urbana would be awesome ... but we want what's best for them ... so where ever God plants them is OK with us.

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Storms ...

I'm a big baby in them ... scare me to death ... but it seems to have passed now!
Have a happy day!