Thursday, August 13, 2009

Visit from Megan ...

YAY!! Megan got to come home and visit all of us! Hadn't seen her since her graduation in May! She looks wonderful ... has been eating healthy and working out and it shows! I am so proud of her. She has inspired me! I didn't get to do a lot of visiting with her, as I had to be at work.

I did get to talk with her some on Tuesday when she came over because I was home sick ... food poisoning we think. GRRR!!! At least it gave me an opportunity to see her and catch up a bit. Sure miss having her and Brian around here ... I know that Mike, Kristian and Zach miss her terribly, too ... perhaps one of these days they'll be able to move closer to home. Even Champaign-Urbana would be awesome ... but we want what's best for them ... so where ever God plants them is OK with us.

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

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