Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas wishes to all!

It's Dec. 22 ... only 3 more days 'til Christmas, and I am so looking forward to celebrating with my family on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning! My brother gets to come into town from Louisiana, which is a rare occasion, especially at the holidays because he is in retail management. It's a little bittersweet, as Megan and Brian don't get to come in this year. They now live on the East Coast and will be spending the holidays with his family. We will, however, be Skyping with them on Christmas Eve after Kristian gets home from work. Thank goodness for the blessings of technology!

Megan gave my Mom the best gift yesterday! The box of gifts we sent to the kids arrived yesterday. Grandma & Grandpa included checks and a mix of Grandma's homemade candy. Megan called her Grandma and thanked her for the candy. My Mom was concerned that the envelopes with the checks might get mixed in with the papers and told Megan to be sure and look for them. She said, "Grandma, we found those and put them under the tree with the other gifts, but the candy you made for us really makes it feel like Christmas!"

When I was talking to Mom on the phone I could just sense that she was beaming! Touching the hearts of others ... that's what Christmas is all about!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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