Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My age is showing by the connections that I have ...

I only say that because it seems I now know more people who are at an age where they are facing death in some way ... a Mother, Father, Grandmother, friend, acquaintance. It makes me stop and think about the times when I should have reached out to say I still care when someone came to mind. With some, I have lost the opportunity to reconnect, and with those I pray that I will some day meet them again in Heaven! With others, a death has allowed a bittersweet reconnect!

Two such moments come to me immediately. The man who helped mentor and encourage me to use my voice to praise and worship God died recently at age 87. His name is Doug Moss! I got to see him about three years ago when I went home to visit for Leslie's Mom's funeral. He had such a big grin on his face when he saw me in the sanctuary, and his wife asked if he remembered who I was. His grin got bigger and he said, "I'll always know who Lisa is!" From the time I was 8 years old to the time I left for college, Doug faithfully played the organ at church and directed the adult choir that he allowed me to be a part of. He helped me prepare for various auditions. He was a wonderful man of God and I will always treasure his love of life, family and God, his encouragement and his faith ... such sweet memories I have of him from Calvert City, Ky!

Right after I found out about Doug, I learned that one of my childhood best friends (Mary) from Calvert had lost her Mom. A wonderfully, large Catholic family ... there were 10 kids, so when I hung out at their house I blended right in. We had so much fun. Mary and I haven't seen or talked to one another perhaps since I left for college some 25 (GULP!) years ago. I sent a message through the guest book when I found out about her Mom and hope that I get a response soon. Just wanted her to know I was thinking about her and the family. Where does the time go?

Who do you need to reconnect with today? Pick up the phone, send an e-mail, drop a card in the mail, stop by for a visit! It could touch a heart ... it could touch at least two!!

Wishing you roses and rainbows!

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