Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home today - sick!

I am home sick today ... was sick the entire Memorial Day weekend! BOO!!! Sore throat, earache, head pounding, coughing like crazy, alternating stuffy/runny nose. No fever, so it's likely allergies/sinus, virus ... so I've been taking Dayquil and Nyquil Sinus, plus a cough syrup and sleeping alot. YUCK!!

So today I didn't get up until 9 a.m. ... of course, I was up and down a lot in the middle of the night coughing. While I've been home this a.m., I have done a devotion which was great ... reinforces the business plans I have been working on ... trying to put my gifts/talents/skills to use for God ... seems I am moving in the right direction ... finally!!!

It's the end of the school year! So, as I sat here doing my devotion, the kids have been in and out. It seems strange that when I say kids, they really aren't any longer. They are young adults!

Kristian came home from school after her final this a.m. and was in a great mood and very chatty. Then she left for Taco Bell (the return of volcano tacos excited her!) ... she came back ate her tacos and is now headed back to CA to clean out her locker, etc., then she's headed to Ryan's. She just seems so super happy and so very comfortable in her own skin ... knows who she is and is confident in that! Very cool! She is as cute as a button, too, with a style all her own!!

While Kristian was at Taco Bell, Zachie popped in ... needed to know where a business was, stopped to say hi and check e-mail. He was headed to the elementary school to hang out with the kids ... he misses them a lot!! The new job is good, but certainly is different than what he had anticipated. Those with behavioral and emotional disorders are not easy to deal with, and that is a large part of the new job. I think God is preparing him for bigger things, though i am not sure what, yet! Will be interesting to watch it all unfold.

Mike is at school today ... last official day ... then he has some basketball camps, etc. He's ready for the summer break I think! he has earned it for sure!

I need to be productive while I am at home ... gotta get a sales report turned in, work on three client projects for PR with Purpose while there is some peace and quiet ... and while I am awake and not coughing for a bit.

Blessings to all!

Monday, May 25, 2009

So much going on ...

  • Megan has graduated with her MFA from Minneapolis College of Art and Design(MCAD).
  • Zach is settling in to his new job ... such grown-up perspectives he has on life now.
  • Kristian is preparing for a busy summer of work, summer class and internship.
  • Mike is ready for summer, basketball camps, and some free time.
  • I am working at getting new business "PR with Purpose" launched in the off hours from my day job, which I still love : )
  • Our trip to Minneapolis was wonderful! Great visit with the kids and with our friends, the Moss family!! Was awesome all the way around! Well, except we discovered that Kristian does not like the flight experience ... could be the small plane we were on, tough.
  • Buddy stayed with T and Judy, but wouldn't eat. I told him that's OK, he's a Mama's boy and doesn't eat much at home either if I'm travelling. He pouts and hangs out in my home office.
  • My Dad's cousin, Barbara and her husband, John, came in for a visit. Barbara and I had a wonderful conversation about writing, inspiring others, etc. ... another connection I'll treasure.
  • God bless everyone on this Memorial Day, and thanks to those who have served and to those who are serving!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Catching up ...

WOW! The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity, both personally and professionally.

Personally, life is really great! Basketball season is over so I have my hubby back, and he's looking forward to his summer off ... well, most of it. He will run some boys basketball camps in June. I look forward to him being off, too, because we have a number of projects around the house that he will likely be working on. Today, I'll be working on a couple of those projects ... he is at a coaching clinic and Kristian is heading off to work shortly. I'm going to head to SNAP to work out, and then back home to paint the living room and hallway. We are going a bit more contemporary ... changing from the warm burgandy/wine colors to a blue called Ship's Harbor ... it's a light/bright hue, and trimming everything out in white, adding crown molding soon, too ... very excited. It's time for a change.

The kids are great! Kristian is wrapping up her junior year of high school and getting ready for her junior prom. We found her a great dress and her Daddy told her she looked beautiful when she tried it on for us the other night! She just finished her first SkillsUSA competition last week and is excited about next year's competition already. She is the VP of her local chapter and is really taking an interest in the leadership opportunities. She has signed up for an internship through CACC and will be placed somewhere that focuses on her field. It's so important to her that she is even willing to get up early for a month in the summer to take part in it! Plus she is still working and will be taking a summer class. She is one busy 17-year-old.

Zach just took a job at the Lincoln Prairie Behavioral Health Center, where he'll be working with the 3- to 10-year-olds. He is excited about the opportunity and feels this may be what he is meant to do.

Megan is finishing up her Master's program at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She will go before the review board with her thesis this week and has been setting up her final art show. Graduation is May 17 and Mike, Kristian and I will be flying up to spend the weekend with her and Brian.

So proud of all the kids ... yet sometimes can't believe they are old enough to be focusing on careers!

Speaking of careers ... I am still loving my job at the AIEC where I am advertising manager for our magazine, Illinois Country Living. Have been doing much travelling to conferences as of late ... two trips to Chicago, a trip to Atlanta, GA., and then a couple of area travel days to work on the June feature story.

Plus, I have decided to get serious about my own business, PR with Purpose. I'll be more deliberate about having the consulting and freelance work I have been doing become an offical part of this business. I'm in the launching stages ... have officially registered the name, working on defining my business plan, developing a logo, Web site (I have a very basic one out there right now ... PRwithPurpose.net) etc. Taking it slow and steady so I can do it right (have to work on it in the evenings and weekends, since I work a full-time day job!) And I'm OK with that! Mike is completely on board as well. We want to grow this business in a debt-free manner ... have heard that Dave Ramsey is coming out with a book for small business owners. I'll be on of the first in line to get it!

OK ... I have a busy day ahead of me ... better get to it!

Have a wonderful weekend!