Sunday, June 7, 2009

Here I sit ...

  • Watching the Tony awards and remembering my dreams of being on Broadway ... didn't quite make it ... in fact, have yet to go to New York. I do get to sing though ... each week on the praise teams at church! How cool for God to place you where He wants you!! His plans for me continue to include creative communications ... but have been way different than my own.
Currently, I am launching PR with Purpose, and working on the following projects:
  • Finished editing the text for Golden Heart School of Hypnosis' Catalogue ... has been sent on for graphic design.
  • Working on the Spring ConnectED PAIRS newsletter! I so enjoy putting this together each time Marilyn and Matt are ready to have another one produced.They have so much to offer couples ... whether you are just starting out, have been married for years and years, whether or not you have issues. ConnectED PAIRS is a great investment for your marriage!
  • Alpha & Omega brochure writing is on the agenda, too!
  • Writing 2 profiles and the Business Scene for Springfield Scene magazine
  • Finishing book proposal and chapters for Lesson Plans for Life ... a story of a Leukemia survivor!
  • Working on Mums, Raspberries, Roses n Rainbows!
Life is good!!

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