Monday, June 29, 2009

Perspective on the hours we're granted ...

There are days that I complain ... perhaps you do the same. Yesterday, life was put in perspective, and I realized my complaining, the things that I worry about, the things that I so often spend my time dwelling on are so very trivial.

I lead a wonderful small group, and several months ago we prayed for the family of one of our small group member's employees who lost most everything in a house fire. Yesterday, after church, he called to ask for prayers for that same employee ... she has had a recurrence of cancer ... it is in her spine, lymph nodes and lungs, and her brain is swelling ... she has been given 6 to 12 months to live.

I have another friend who is going through the adoption process ... has met her twin daughters, but can't bring them home from the hospital ... they aren't fully developed yet, and the birth parents are in a tangled fight, causing additional delays. The cost for the hospital, attorney's fees, driving back and forth to see their precious little ones ... it is all taking a toll on this loving couple ... yet they keep their faith and stand strong! Such examples!

Babies still developing ... a woman given 6 to 12 months to live and to spend time with her children, family/friends. It's something to think about ... the gift of life we have each day is not guaranteed ... how are we spending those minutes, hours, days that we've been granted?

It's time to re-think, to re-prioritize my bank of hours and spend them more intentionally.

This week I will:
  • do a devotion every day (I did the first this a.m.!)
  • journal - get the thoughts from my heart and head to paper
  • set a regular writing schedule: 1000 to 1200 words a day on one of the several books I have begun
  • prepare client materials: newsletter for one and brochure copy for another
  • work on the business plan for PR with Purpose ... continue moving forward ... call SBA!
  • count my blessings ... and give thanks for each of them!
How will you spend your bank of time this week?

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