Saturday, November 14, 2009

Energy ...

I haven't had any! I think I completely wore myself down to the point of exhaustion and sickness. I spent the last two days at home from work with a major headache, sore throat, a bit of dizziness, and a head that felt completely full. I've been battling the headache for at least a week ... I have chronic headaches, and take medication for them, but it hadn't been helping. That's when I know I have to just stop for a bit. So I did. Part of it is stress; part of it is the fact that the farmers have begun harvesting. (Today they started with the corn fields directly across from our house.) The headache seems to always be a combination of worry, fret, allergies, sinus.

Today has been a bit better. Haven't had to take a nap at all, though I didn't get up until 7:30. My throat hasn't been hurting as much today, only occasionally. My headache comes and goes. I think I'm on the mend! YAY!!

I've got writing projects to do and plan to complete a couple tonight time permitting. Working on my book proposal for Jane's story, and I have a Business Scene to write for Springfield Scene.

So, I'll close for now so I can move on to my projects!

Wishing all an evening of roses and rainbows!

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