Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sunday's Message is on Patience ...

I really need to pay attention to this one. I tend to work hard at not asking God for patience. Just as sure as I ask, He gives me reason to need it! The contemporary services tomorrow, I think are going to be strong ... there is special music, drama, praise and reflection songs and, of course, a sermon. I think it's a topic (Patience) that we all need to hear about in our "busy hurry up and wait" lives. I'm sure God will be speaking to me ... come and listen to see what He has to say to you, too!

Services are 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m. (both contemporary) and 11 a.m. (traditional), Chatham Presbyterian Church, 1835 East Gordon, Chatham, IL!

Wishing you roses and rainbows today!

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