Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New commitment to healthy eating begins ...

Oct. 1!

Today 9/28/2010 at the office we had a 50th b-day celebration for one of our friends/co-workers with all the goodies that accompany such an event. My contribution was grapes ... red and green, which I enjoyed and hope others did as well.

However, though relatively small portions, I did also enjoy a bit of warm blackberry cobbler, brownie, banana/pineapple cake and peanut butter fudge! All delicious, but now I need to be sure and work twice as hard at my evening workout to burn all the extra calories. I'll post what I get done!

Tomorrow we have a bridal shower ... 'nough said!

Took Kristian to lunch ... Subway ... so that was fine, and we'll likely grill something and have a salad for dinner. It's time for me to cut out all the sugar again to kick-start my weight loss. I am within 15 lbs of where I think I want to land. My problem with sweets is I can't seem to control it once I start ... I'm kind of an all or nothing gal in the sweets department.

So ... tomorrow I'm cutting them out for a two-week period. I'm also not drinking enough water again, so I'll be more intentional with that as well.

Wishing you health & and wellness!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Encouraging others ...

is what I really want to do! I met with a friend yesterday who has asked for encouragement and accountability as she begins the journey of getting healthy in her eating and adding exercise to her life. I am so excited to begin this chapter in her life with her!

I will also have a busy week this week after being out of the office sick for three days!

Hoping for a good night's sleep so I'll be ready to get up and get my day started with a workout before weigh-in at the office!!

Wishing you rainbows n roses!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finally ...

feeling better ... not 100%, but better! Headed out soon to visit with a good friend who has come back for a visit. He and wife live in Cincinnati now, so don't get to see him often. Couple of other friends are supposed to meet up with us, too ... we'll see if they get to join us! Hope so ... and Mikie might come out for a bit, too!

Love the Fall weather, but would like to have some sunshine with it ... not the damp, cold rain!! And just realized, I have no Fall clothes in my closet that fit! Most of the time it's fun that everything's too big now. But tonight, I'm wishing for something warmer. Gonna go with silly summer shirt and a jacket n jeans ... hope that will work!

Hugs n giggles!

Friday, September 24, 2010

beautiful day ...

Another day at home ... still not feeling well, though a bit better. I have all of the windows opened today airing out the house. Maybe it will air me out, too, with some healthy vibes! Love fall weather and hope we get to enjoy a long fall season.

Still have so much to do in my home office ... sifting through all the papers and magazines ... making headway in between resting.

Did manage to sweep the floor and then had to sit down again. Ridiculous.  I just feel completely drained! This too shall pass ... right?!

Wishing you roses n rainbows!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

been too long ...

since I have posted, and the same things continue to run through my head and my heart!

I have been home today, not feeling well at all ... but I think it's more in my heart than anything. I can't quite put my finger on it. I have a lot of undone things that keep me from moving forward in life. I think I may need to take some time off so that I can finalize some projects ...

One of the first things I have to do is get my current home office cleaned out so we can get to work on moving the rooms around I've got some of that done, but there is more to do. I am a packrat for sure! Papers, books, and then more of both. I bought some storage containers and have been filling them. I think I'm going to need more or bigger ones! The two rooms that Mike and I have our respective offices in now are going to become one room ... he's taking the wall out and it will become our master suite. Our current bedroom will be my new office. I have an hour or so before choir ... I think I'll go see how much I can get done before time to go!!

Wishing you blessings n giggles!