Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New commitment to healthy eating begins ...

Oct. 1!

Today 9/28/2010 at the office we had a 50th b-day celebration for one of our friends/co-workers with all the goodies that accompany such an event. My contribution was grapes ... red and green, which I enjoyed and hope others did as well.

However, though relatively small portions, I did also enjoy a bit of warm blackberry cobbler, brownie, banana/pineapple cake and peanut butter fudge! All delicious, but now I need to be sure and work twice as hard at my evening workout to burn all the extra calories. I'll post what I get done!

Tomorrow we have a bridal shower ... 'nough said!

Took Kristian to lunch ... Subway ... so that was fine, and we'll likely grill something and have a salad for dinner. It's time for me to cut out all the sugar again to kick-start my weight loss. I am within 15 lbs of where I think I want to land. My problem with sweets is I can't seem to control it once I start ... I'm kind of an all or nothing gal in the sweets department.

So ... tomorrow I'm cutting them out for a two-week period. I'm also not drinking enough water again, so I'll be more intentional with that as well.

Wishing you health & and wellness!

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