Sunday, December 25, 2011

A long process ...

still recovering from surgery (lateral epicondylectomy) for tennis elbow, plus removal of bone spur and tendon and extendor repair. Needless to say, typing has been an issue (using my left hand now!). Three more weeks in the brace then physical therapy. Have some voice recognition software that I am going to begin taking advantage of, so there will more regular posting, working on writing projects and other exciting things to come!!

Hope you are enjoying a blessed Christmas with family and friends, as I am : )


Marla said...

Good to see you are blogging again! Keep up the good work, Lisa.

Lisa Rigoni said...

Thanks, Marla!! Much appreciated : )

Anonymous said...

Get well soon. Hurry back to work... before they decide they like someone else better and cut you lose to make room for them.

Happy New Year