Monday, January 2, 2012

No ... we don't have to do it all ...

Did I just say that? Wow, I did, and I meant it! I am reflecting on 2011 and as a result reviewing my lists for 2012 and prioritizing what I will be juggling on my crazy-full plates. I have seen a drama done in church a number of times in which the characters are trying to juggle out-of-control, spinning plates. That's what I've been doing for years; juggling so many different things -- typically by my own choosing -- trying to give attention to everything, but not necessarily enough, or fulfilling the duties or responsibilities of the various roles that I've been "spinning," from personal to professional, but not paying attention to the details. Sometimes even the pleasures of life suffered because of the unbalance. The roller coaster has to slow down, the plates need to be filled in the right proportions.

So, this year, I'll be pruning, downsizing, decluttering, whatever you want to call it ... getting life re-balanced and more in control. Already taking the appropriate steps to experience life in the way God intended, with joy, hope, laughter, faith, family and friends. So excited about it, too!

Life is going to be more intentional, less fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants. Relationships more personal. Business/work more fulfilling. Church/ministry more God/faith-focused and called! Finances better managed. Writing more frequent, leading to published works, speaking engagements and touched hearts.

How are you approaching 2012?

Happy New Year!!


Marla E said...

Good for you, Lisa! I'll check up on you from time to time to see how you are doing.

Teresa Paul said...

I like and I will try to do the same!