Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day full of blessings ... God, Brenna

Felt God's presence at church today the minute I walked in! I don't know what was different, maybe it was my open heart, open mind and positive attitude. More likely it had to do with God answering the prayer I prayed on my way in ... for forgiveness for all my faults and sins, for the time I waste, for my lack of focus on the important things of life, for my busyness. I prayed for God to help me get out of my own way as I drove the short trip to church. While I enjoyed the worship and reflection music today and the words of the songs really moved me, that was only part of it. Enjoyed visiting with a couple of the college kids today and hearing the excitement of their Under The Cross (UTX) ministry and new Coffee House venture and hearing them brag on my daughter, Kristian, who is part of that  ministry and venture say she apparently makes the best coffee ever! They have even invited me to speak at one of their Coffee House nights! It was the great conversations, laughing, worshiping and fellowshipping with friends and praise team members today at rehearsal, during services and between services.

And, the message really struck a chord with me today ...  it was on TIME ... Coincidence? I think not!! It was delivered by Dr. Rev. Joseph Eby and really spoke volumes to what has been tugging at my heart and making my mind spin out of control lately.  And there it was ... I have been trying to take control ... mistake #1! Today, I surrendered that control and was quiet/still, and listened to others and especially to God, rather than the rattling of my own mind, the sound of my own voice. How refreshing!!

In the message Joe used an acrostic:

Treasure your time (are you making your time count?)
Invest in others
Manage yourself
Enjoy the gift (of time)

One of the things I had the privilege of spending time doing this afternoon after church was participating in a prayer service for Brenna Westlake, a beautiful little angel that has been touching hearts and lives in the three short weeks that she has been on this earth! She was born with a rare skin condition that puts her life at risk. The service for her was uplifting, moving and focused on the Body of Christ and how we are all a part of that body .... each of us, along with this fragile gift that God sent to Courtney and Evan Westlake, Brenna, and her brother Connor.

It really all comes full circle doesn't it? Our time on this earth, what it means, and what we do with the minutes that our loving Faher gives us. I think about what this one family has been doing ... Treasuring every precious moment of time; Investing in Others .... they are following God's plan/purpose and sharing it with the world; Managing themselves ... they are managing their life with all the right priorities in place and people available to help them get thru it .... time management and self-management are not easy, for sure. And they are Enjoying the gift of time ....going right back to treasuring time! Yep, full circle!

Check out Brenna's blog: ... it will be time well spent, as will time with God!

Wishing you an amazing week!

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