Monday, April 28, 2008

Reality check ...

OK ... good friends pointed out to me that they think I have set too many big goals at one time ... you can read them in my first post. Said perhaps that I should just pick one main thing and focus on it until it's completed, and then move to the next. I understand, but it's difficult for me ... I'm kind of an all-or-nothing girl. And life tends to work like dominos for me ... if I'm exercising, I tend to eat healthier; if I eat healthier I tend to be in a better more productive frame of mind, etc. and so on.

So, I'm going to try and focus on a couple of things:

Writing the first book, the one about Jane. She is preparing to retire, and one of the things I think would be great is for her to be able to get on a speaker's circuit to talk about her fight against leukemia. Her heart is in it ... she just needs the platform and having her story published will help ... I hope! June 22 is her last day of teaching ... I hope to have an agent by then who is interested in the book. Wish me luck ... say a prayer!

Second ... I am going to get into shape. I'm still planning on signing up for Abe's Army, the 12-week training program for a 10-K race. I have five weeks before the official training starts for that, so I am taking little steps prior to that. Found a 5-week training program to prepare for a 5-K. Started tonight ... today's workout was to be 15-minute walk or cross-training. I took Buddy (our dog) and walked/sprinted for only about 10 minutes (was cold this evening ... we have a freeze warning out tonight). Then I did some basic stuff when I got home ... crunches, pushups, leglifts, stepping, waist whittlers, etc. It's not a ton, but it's a start and way more than I did yesterday.

I had already started doing better with my devotions a couple of weeks ago ... and I'm involved in a friendly Biggest Loser competition at work.

My main focus will be two-fold, get healthier so I have more energy to research and write this beautiful story that needs to be told! I'm on it!!

Good luck with the things you have your heart set on!!

It's nice to be recognized ...

April 27, 2008

Happy Sunday, all!

As I mentioned in another post, Mike's teaching position has been eliminated and he will be searching for a new teaching/coaching opportunity. One of the cool things that has come out of this change has been the recognition he has received this past week from students (players and non-players), parents of students (players and non-players), fellow coaches and even reporters. He was interviewed by sports reporters from both the Jacksonville Journal Courier and the Springfield State Journal Register. The SJ-R story especially gave a very well-rounded glimpse into Mike's first three years as a teacher/coach. And really, both articles were positive and led with big headlines. Today Mike was recognized by the Jacksonville Journal Courier's Sports Editor, Dennis Mathes, on his blog. I am reprinting it here, because I think he really captured the picture of Mike. And well, I am proud of him!

Have a beautiful day!


Goodbye, Rigoni

April 25th, 2008 by itsonlyagame
Rigoni is a good basketball coach. So we were surprised Thursday when
we found out his teaching position at Routt had been cut, and he would
no longer be coaching there. Routt offered to let him stay on as coach,
but without the teaching job, obviously it wouldn’t have worked for him.

Over the past several years, the same thing has happened at several
area schools, and I’m thinking particularly about Carrollton. Budget
cuts force the board to reduce staff, and sometimes, the staff member
is also a coach. It’s not a good situation for the coach, the school or
the players. Budget cuts are never good.

Routt had a ton of talent this year and should have gone further in
the playoffs, but a couple of things happened during the season that
kept the team from being everything it might have been and doing
everything it might have done. There really wasn’t much Rigoni could
have done to prevent either one of them.

We don’t know everything that goes on behind the scenes — sometimes,
that’s for the best — but I don’t think another coach could have gotten
more out of that team than Rigoni did. Through it all, Routt still won
a share of the WIVC championship in 2007-08. That was no small
accomplishment this season, with teams like co-champ A-C
Central/Virginia, Carrollton and West Central to contend with.

Over the past three years it was interesting to see Routt progress
as a team and to see Rigoni progress as a coach. Routt was his first
head coaching job. The Rockets lost some big leads this year, which
made some people a little crazy, but they almost always came out on the
winning end. For some reason, people forget that.

Routt won a lot of games this year. The team went 22-7, and Routt
was always fun to watch. No area team ran the fast break better than
Routt did. And no coach was any more gracious after a win or a loss
than Rigoni. No matter what happened, he was always willing to talk to
us, and he was always willing to have the interview videotaped. No
matter what. He took some shots from some of the posters on our Web
site — some fair, some unfair — but he never once complained about
that, either. I think he understood that criticism comes with the job.
That’s kind of a rare thing in itself, especially for someone who
hasn’t been a head coach for that long.

But Rigoni was kind of a rare coach in a lot of ways.

Best of luck, coach.

Another productive weekend in store

April 26, 2008

It's 1 p.m. on Saturday and I've already been up, gone to the grocery store, fixed breakfast (homemade biscuits and country sausage gravy.) Put a roast in the crockpot for some Italian Beef for dinner, gone to rehearsal at church for tomorrow's services, went for a walk with Mike, mowed the yard and balanced the checkbook. Whew! Mike has been busily knocking out part of wall in the living room. The other side of the wall is the interior of a closet in what used to be my office. This room is now going to become his office and I will have an office in the back of the house in what used to be Kristian's bedroom. When Zach moved out a few months ago she promptly moved into his room in the basement.

Why did Mike knock part of a wall out you may be asking. Because we have this crazy big 52" television that is not a flatscreen and cut our living room by about two feet. Got it for him for his 40th b-day ... 4 years ago. At that point we had the family room downstairs ... and the tv, which made sense ... a bigger space really. We moved the family room upstairs sometime last year, which of course meant the tv moved up. The back of it is now sunk into that opening and hidden behind closet doors on the other side. He did a great job ... looks like a flat screen now! It was my idea ... and a good one at that .... YAY!!

April 26, 2008

Of course the downside is that now all of the stuff that was in the closet is in the middle of the office floor ... so I have some sorting and pitching to do. In fact, I should go do that now. I still have other stuff to pitch from that office, too, and I had already moved it to my office ... hope to get through all of that today. If we get everything done, perhaps next week we can start in on the basement. Well, once we know what we are actually going to do with it!

Have a fantastic weekend!


P.S. - We rented August Rush last night! Great movie!! I highly recommend it!!

Ahhhgggg .... the challenges life brings!

April 24, 2008

Life is always interesting isn't it? Sometimes just when you think things are moving in the right direction you get thrown a new challenge. We've known for quite some time that Mike's teaching contract might not be renewed. It has been an on-again/off-again deal as the Board worked to make some difficult decisions ... including doing some downsizing of positions, or if you use their technical term, they did a reduction-in-force. They asked Mike to stay on as basketball coach, he politely declined. Ideally he would like to find a teaching/coaching position in a public school. We really need to be thinking about retirement. We're not getting any younger.

Yesterday was beautiful and I got to take the day off. The weather was perfect! I spent time at church helping T prepare for our Arts Ministry meeting which we held last night. Was a great meeting ... lots of constructive discussion. In the afternoon I mowed the yard and did some house cleaning. So wonderful to have all the windows open airing everything out!

Yesterday was Zach's golden birthday ... his 23rd. He has really grown into a wonderful young man.

Really, life is interesting ... and I wouln't have it any other way. I'm thankful for the challenges we sometimes have to go through ... especially after we'ver survived them, of course!

Happy thoughts!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My life in a nutshell!

Why am I blogging?
Because everybody is doing it! No ... seriously, I need a forum where I can hold myself accountable on a life improvement journey and perhaps have others throw in some encouragement and/or the occasional reality check. At 41, it's way past time for me to get fit in all areas of my life ... spiritual, mental, relational, physical and financial. If you would like to accompany me on my journey that's great! I want to be happy and healthy to enjoy my
family, friends ... life!!

My life in a nutshell!

Last night my hubby (of nearly 17 years), Mike, asked me out for a date. I, of course, accepted enthusiastically! We ordered pizza at home first, then splashed through the downpour of rain to go to a movie at the mall. Such a gentleman ... he dropped me off at the door and then parked the car, ran in the rain and joined me, bought me popcorn and we watched "Juno." Great movie ... I would recommend it, especially if you have teenagers, which we do - a 16-year-old daughter, Kristian!

She is a sophomore in high school, which she finds very boring. She went out with friends last night, bowling. She was one of the drivers, used Daddy's car. We are in this tough place with the car thing. She needs a car so she can get a job, and she needs a job so she has money to help pay for her insurance and to pay for gas. So which comes first? We would like to teach her financial responsibility. Don't want her to have to go through some of the things we have faced in the money area. It's tough to do, especially when many of her friends are given cars and the parents pay for them, the insurance and even supply the gas. i know we are right in this and she will appreciate it later ... right??

I also have two step-children. My stepson, Zach, will be 23 next week. It's so hard to believe he was only 5 when I came into his life. He has decided to go to college and work towards a degree ... finally. He has tried it a couple of times before and didn't stick with it. He has never really liked school. He has grown up so much in the last year or so. He is doing well in his studies and will be successful I am sure!! He works for a pizza place right now. Says the tips are pretty good. He has some other job opportunities coming up, too. I'll keep you posted! My stepdaughter, Megan, is 25 and lives in Minnesota with her husband, Brian. Megan just had her first critique at Minnesota College of Art and Design, where she is pursuing her master's degree. She not only passed, but was chosen as the scholarship recipient!! Way to go Megan! We are so proud of you!

Here's a snapshot of where am I starting on this "life improvement" journey.

Spiritual: I am a Christian who believes in and loves God and his only son, Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again. I often wonder why in the world He would have done that for me. I mean, that is a sacrifice beyond my comprehension, yet I believe it with all my heart. I do go to church, am active in the arts ministry ... sing on the praise teams, in the chancel choir and serve as director of our drama ministry. I also have the privilege of leading a small group Bible study on Sunday evenings with people who have become some of my closest friends. They know me well and often bring a dose of reality to my life, and I love them for it. My church family is full of people whom I love. You'll hear about them as I continue my faith journey.

What do I need to do to be more spiritually fit? Spend more time in the Bible, not just reading it, but meditating on the words/the lessons. I want to develop a hunger and thirst for God's Word. I find that I pray off and on all day. It's comforting to know that I can talk with God any time of day or night, in any circumstance and He will listen. The thing that I don't do so well is to be still and listen to what He says to me.

Mental: I need to start filling my mind with positive thoughts more regularly. Do things that will improve my mind and my knowledge base. The first part I can do by surrounding myself with others who are not always complaining, etc. It's so easy to get on the "negative" bandwagon, and easy to take others on that ride with you. I am going to work on improving that. I read a lot of motivational books, inspirational material, etc. I need to practice what I read/preach ... have a healthy perspective on life ...starting with my own perception. My job helps with this a lot, too. I love what I do ... Advertising Manager for Illinois Country Living magazine and I also do editorial projects for the magazine ... the people I work with are generally positive and encouraging ... from co-workers to advertisers to subscribers, readers of the magazine! I look forward to going to work ... have not always been in a place where that's the case!

Also, I am a writer and need to buckle down and discipline myself to write the books that live in my head/heart. There are many ... some that have been started. The main one that I need to complete is a biography of one of my dear friends from church. She is a leukemia survivor (AML). Has had a stemcell transplant, deals with the effects Graph vs. Host on a daily basis and is a walking miracle. I have three of chapters nearly completed. It is a book of inspiration and hope.

Relational: Friends and family are the treasures in my life. I already mentioned my immediate family and my church family. I also have a younger brother , Cuck, who lives in Slidell, Louisianna. He is a retail store manager and we don't get to see him near as often as we would like to. He was in town in January off and on because our Mom was in the hospital (for 26 days). We thought we were going to lose her ... but she fought hard. In fact, I have a new respect for my Mom and how tough she is. She had diverticulitis and was seriously ill from it ... she endured pain, poking and prodding and is now much healthier than she has been in years. She looks great and her attitude is more positive than I ever remember. My dad I worry about. He is unhealthy ... overweight and doesn't take care of himself as he should. I would guess he is in the onset stages of diabetes and probably also has cellulitis, plus a place on his forehead that is likely cancerous. He will not see a doctor. Is very stubborn (I come by it honestly). He looks like a massive heart attack waiting to happen. My brother and I have both talked to him very directly about his health, but to no avail. We will continue to work on him!

My very best friend, Leslie, is in Kentucky with her husband and two children. We have been best friends for 33 years ... since third grade. We stay connected through e-mail, text messaging and phone calls. We don't get to visit in person nearly often enough. We support one another in the good, bad and ugly of life. And we are excited to be working together on a book of devotion and inspiration to hopefully be published next year!!

Physical: GRRRRR!!!! Gravity has set in for sure! Plus, I have not taken very good care of my body. I am about 40 lbs. overweight, and sadly 30 lbs heavier than when I was 9 months pregant with Kristian. I jokingly say I'm not overweight, I'm undertall at 5'2". But reality is I am overweight and was just told a couple of months ago that my cholesterol and my BMI (body mass "fat"index) are both too high. Why is this the case? Well, for example, my breakfast today was warmed up pizza and a Diet Coke. And I haven't moved from the couch yet today except to get breakfast. The weather isn't really conducive for outdoor exercise (cold and rainy) and we'll the home gym downstairs and the exercise videos/DVDs aren't really what I want to do. So, there you have it ... my excuses.

On a positive note, Mike and I looked at running shoes for me last night. Will probably go purchase a pair today. I decided this a.m. that I am going to join "Abe's Army." It's a 13-week training program for a 10k race. It starts May 20 and the culmination is the 10k race on the last day of the Illinois State Fair. I can do this. I began training for a marathon with TNT a few years ago. I completed all the fundraising and did quite a bit of the training, but didn't finish or do the race ... job issues got in the way. So, I'll try the running thing again. Wish me luck!

Food is also an issue. I really like my sweets and popcorn, etc. Well, and pasta, bread, etc. It's all about portion control for me ... so I will be trying to put that in place as well. Again ... I'll need some prayers for these areas of my life.

Financial: Another big one. it's just tough making ends meet sometimes. I did sit down earlier this week, though, and wrote down all of our expenses and compared it to our income. If we are careful, we can do it. We are going to start by tracking all of our expenses for the next six months, from the pack of gum or can of soda to the running shoes and Abe's Army registration fee, to the fixed expenses and groceries/everyday life stuff. Should be an interesting journey for sure.

OK ... I have rambled on and on and you are probably tired of reading if you even got all the way through it. I typically won't write so much, but I needed to write it for myself today. Let me know if anything resonates with you and your life. I would be happy to encourage you in your journey(s), too!

Hugs and blessings-
