Monday, April 28, 2008

Ahhhgggg .... the challenges life brings!

April 24, 2008

Life is always interesting isn't it? Sometimes just when you think things are moving in the right direction you get thrown a new challenge. We've known for quite some time that Mike's teaching contract might not be renewed. It has been an on-again/off-again deal as the Board worked to make some difficult decisions ... including doing some downsizing of positions, or if you use their technical term, they did a reduction-in-force. They asked Mike to stay on as basketball coach, he politely declined. Ideally he would like to find a teaching/coaching position in a public school. We really need to be thinking about retirement. We're not getting any younger.

Yesterday was beautiful and I got to take the day off. The weather was perfect! I spent time at church helping T prepare for our Arts Ministry meeting which we held last night. Was a great meeting ... lots of constructive discussion. In the afternoon I mowed the yard and did some house cleaning. So wonderful to have all the windows open airing everything out!

Yesterday was Zach's golden birthday ... his 23rd. He has really grown into a wonderful young man.

Really, life is interesting ... and I wouln't have it any other way. I'm thankful for the challenges we sometimes have to go through ... especially after we'ver survived them, of course!

Happy thoughts!

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