Monday, April 28, 2008

Another productive weekend in store

April 26, 2008

It's 1 p.m. on Saturday and I've already been up, gone to the grocery store, fixed breakfast (homemade biscuits and country sausage gravy.) Put a roast in the crockpot for some Italian Beef for dinner, gone to rehearsal at church for tomorrow's services, went for a walk with Mike, mowed the yard and balanced the checkbook. Whew! Mike has been busily knocking out part of wall in the living room. The other side of the wall is the interior of a closet in what used to be my office. This room is now going to become his office and I will have an office in the back of the house in what used to be Kristian's bedroom. When Zach moved out a few months ago she promptly moved into his room in the basement.

Why did Mike knock part of a wall out you may be asking. Because we have this crazy big 52" television that is not a flatscreen and cut our living room by about two feet. Got it for him for his 40th b-day ... 4 years ago. At that point we had the family room downstairs ... and the tv, which made sense ... a bigger space really. We moved the family room upstairs sometime last year, which of course meant the tv moved up. The back of it is now sunk into that opening and hidden behind closet doors on the other side. He did a great job ... looks like a flat screen now! It was my idea ... and a good one at that .... YAY!!

April 26, 2008

Of course the downside is that now all of the stuff that was in the closet is in the middle of the office floor ... so I have some sorting and pitching to do. In fact, I should go do that now. I still have other stuff to pitch from that office, too, and I had already moved it to my office ... hope to get through all of that today. If we get everything done, perhaps next week we can start in on the basement. Well, once we know what we are actually going to do with it!

Have a fantastic weekend!


P.S. - We rented August Rush last night! Great movie!! I highly recommend it!!

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