Monday, April 28, 2008

Reality check ...

OK ... good friends pointed out to me that they think I have set too many big goals at one time ... you can read them in my first post. Said perhaps that I should just pick one main thing and focus on it until it's completed, and then move to the next. I understand, but it's difficult for me ... I'm kind of an all-or-nothing girl. And life tends to work like dominos for me ... if I'm exercising, I tend to eat healthier; if I eat healthier I tend to be in a better more productive frame of mind, etc. and so on.

So, I'm going to try and focus on a couple of things:

Writing the first book, the one about Jane. She is preparing to retire, and one of the things I think would be great is for her to be able to get on a speaker's circuit to talk about her fight against leukemia. Her heart is in it ... she just needs the platform and having her story published will help ... I hope! June 22 is her last day of teaching ... I hope to have an agent by then who is interested in the book. Wish me luck ... say a prayer!

Second ... I am going to get into shape. I'm still planning on signing up for Abe's Army, the 12-week training program for a 10-K race. I have five weeks before the official training starts for that, so I am taking little steps prior to that. Found a 5-week training program to prepare for a 5-K. Started tonight ... today's workout was to be 15-minute walk or cross-training. I took Buddy (our dog) and walked/sprinted for only about 10 minutes (was cold this evening ... we have a freeze warning out tonight). Then I did some basic stuff when I got home ... crunches, pushups, leglifts, stepping, waist whittlers, etc. It's not a ton, but it's a start and way more than I did yesterday.

I had already started doing better with my devotions a couple of weeks ago ... and I'm involved in a friendly Biggest Loser competition at work.

My main focus will be two-fold, get healthier so I have more energy to research and write this beautiful story that needs to be told! I'm on it!!

Good luck with the things you have your heart set on!!

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