Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ever Have Those Days?

Hello ... it's been a while since I've done a post, as my brother so lovingly pointed out ... calling me a slacker! So nice to be loved : ) Hey, at least I know someone is checking it occasionally!

It is 4:20 p.m. on Sunday, and I am feeling a little bit guilty because I chose not to go to small group tonight. They are all quite capable of leading so no worries.

I have been exhausted this week and simply haven't been feeling quite right. I slept 11 hours Friday night ... went to bed at 9ish and got up around 8ish. And I was still tired all day, and fell asleep on the couch reading. My hands have been really bizarre feeling this past week, too ... swelling more than usual and achy/throbbing. Can't think of anything I've done to make them sore ... so will keep a check on them.

I did finally get up yesterday afternoon and finished cleaning out my office space. You can actually see the floor! It had been the catch-all room for cleaning out other rooms. Now I have to get some kilz and prime the walls ... in my infinite wisdom (hint of sarcasm here) I encouraged my daughter to paint it the colors she wanted when it was her room. So, it is currently kelly green with some purple pinstriping and a purple ceiling, and has icky carpet. I want the walls to be antique white; I'm ripping up the carpet and cleaning up the hardwood floor that is under it. And, I have some "fru-fru" furniture to put in it. I want to make it my place of solitude and serenity for writing, thinking, meditating.

Interestingly enough when I walked in there earlier, I was not feeling serene, as Kristian's room is underneath and I could hear her tv. A good set of earphone are going to be a necessity.

Still not going to small group ... that is me trying to convince myself that it's OK to miss once in a while. Not that they won't be OK without me, I'm certain they'll be fine ... the question is will I be OK without going? I guess we'll find out, huh?

Getting ready for a new week. Shouldn't be as busy as last week ... maybe I can be more productive!

Have a great week!!

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