Thursday, May 15, 2008

WooHoo ... He's Coaching the Cavaliers!

Life is good!! Mike is the new Head Basketball Coach for the Carlinville Cavaliers, and will be teaching, too. PE and Driver's Ed, we think. He will be taking the Driver's Ed certification course this summer. Monday he goes to complete all the paper work and will meet his players! He's (we're) so excited!!

Some of his Routt students are still upset that he won't be back ... especially his players. He said they were asking him today when the Jacksonville Journal Courier would do the story on his new job ... they didn't understand that he is no longer news in the Jacksonville area, and that there likely wouldn'tbe a follow-up story. It's so cool that he has made such a positive impact on these kids ... and he really did have a good experience overall at Routt! We'll always be thankful that he started his high school teaching/coaching career there.

Enough rambling ... life is good!!

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