Friday, May 23, 2008

Friendship ...

Friendship. Connections. Bonds. So important!! Over the last couple of weeks I have been reminded of that. Two weeks ago I got a phone call at the office, completely out of the blue ... my friend Rita! And not just my friend ... she was the Maid of Honor at mine and Mike's wedding! We haven't seen each other or talked in years. She moved a few hours away. She receives the magazine that I work for .. saw my byline and called me! It was such a wonderful surprise : )

Then last Sunday, another friend hosted a wedding shower for her daughter ... we used to work together and our families spent every other Thanksgiving together eating, watching the big game and then staying up 'til midnight playing Pictionary. I stay so busy that I didn't realize how much I missed those times. So, the plan is to get together more often ... go out for lunch ... have the families spend some time together!

Last night I went to dinner with three women I used to work with ... it's just so good to reconnect!

Just got an e-mail today from a friend who moved away not too long ago. I miss him alot! He was part of our praise band and our little group who goes out on Wednesday nights to play video golf and photo hunt.

Getting busy, moving away, life ... nothing should get in the way of friendship ... I'm going to work harder to stay connected!! Friendships are so important!! I hope all your relationships are well connected!!

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