Saturday, May 10, 2008

Peace & Quiet & Blessings

It's early on Saturday morning. I've been up for a bit already ... ate my Cheerios, read the paper and read my devotion. Mike and Kristian are still sleeping. I'm sitting in the living room and the peace and quiet is overwhelming. All I can hear is the low hum of the refrigerator, the chirping of the birds outside and the clicking of my nails on the keyboard. No television. No radio. Just quietness.

And as I look around what catches my eye is the sunlight that casts shadows off the trees while at the same time shines glimmers of light on the leaves and through the front window. Isn't that sometimes how life is? There are shadows of things that might not be going exactly as we hoped or planned, yet we know that there is a glimmer of light ... a ray of hope if we can endure. I am feeling and seeing more of the latter today. The light, the hope, the blessings!

Honestly, life is good! I am blessed with a husband who loves me unconditionally and whose love I return! I have three children who God has entrusted to me, and whom I love with all my heart! I have parents who are alive and still married ... to each other ... and a brother who holds me accountable even from miles away!

Yep ... life is good! I hope you enjoy the day you have ahead of you ... I intend to!

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