Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm sitting here reflecting on being a Mom/Stepmom ... what an awesome responsibility and privilege and challenge ... all rolled into one.

The Mom part ... Kristian is my treasure ... she is beautiful, smart, funny and strong-willed! I am amazed every day at the young woman she has become. She is very independent and has her own views on life. I think that is a good thing, even though I may not always agree with her thoughts. I don't usually worry about her in that area ... I think she can hold her own, and will always be able to take care of herself. She does tend to like to be alone ... I worry about that sometimes ... it doesn't seem to be necessary for her to be surrounded by people ... as it seems to be for me. In that respect, she is more like her Daddy ... he is perfectly fine being on his own or just hanging with me and/or the kids. She is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't seem to need approval from the world like so many other teenagers, especially teenage girls. Often times, I wish I was more like her!! I am honored that God chose to provide me (and Mike) with the gift of her life ... I wouldn't trade that privilege for anything in the world!!!

Megan is my oldest ... my stepdaughter. Kristian is like her in many ways ... independent thinkers those girls! Megan has always had her own way of living life. A bit unconventional, perhaps. She was my first daughter, 8 years old when I came into her life, and I have always loved her as if she were my own. Sometimes that is one of the hardest things, because there have been times when I feel very selfish and just want her to be my daughter. Of her and Zach, Megan has always made it clear to me that she loves me, but also, that I am her stepmom ... never, ever has she meant it in a negative way, though. I love the person she has become ... strong, ambitious, and completely in charge of her life. She has set her sights high, and every day is achieving them. She is a beautiful artist ... always expressing herself ... and she has so many sides ... that she is willing to share. I've seen her cry, I've held her when she has. I've seen her scared and angry, and have been there for her to lean on; I've seen her excited, happy and even silly and in all her moods I love her! Again, someone that sometimes I wish I was more like!

Zachary is and always will be my baby boy! He was only 5 when I came into the picture. His blonde, shaggy hair & brown eyes stole my heart the first time I laid eyes on him. Adorable! We have probably butted heads more times than the girls and I have ... Mike has always said it's because Zach and I are soooooo much alike that it's sometimes scary. Both sensitive, both taking everything to heart and very personally, both caring about everyone else and how they feel. Zach always made me feel extra special as a Mom when he was growing up, and probably didn't even know it. He made sure I always had something on Mother's Day ... I remember one year he made me black and red (my favorite colors) tissue paper flowers and left them for me with a card ... "Even though I won't be home on Mother's Day, remember that I love you." I still have the card! (He went to his Mother's every other weekend ... though lived with us the rest of the time ... Mike had custody of the kids) He was so upset one year because Kristian, in all of her 4- year-old wisdom said to him "She isn't your real Mom!" I came up the stairs ... Kristian looking smug and Zach looking hurt. I just looked at them and said ... "You will always be my son, no matter how we were brought together, and I love all of my kids the same!" And I meant it! Still do! Zachary, not knowing it, again gave me a precious gift for Mother's Day. He was going to a graduation party last night, came over early in the afternoon, and then I asked if he would come back (dressed up for the party) before he went so I could take a picture. He rolled his eyes, grinned and said "We'll see!" He did come over for a picture ... and he has never liked having his picture taken ... so it meant a lot to me!

All my kids make me thankful that I am a Mom! And my Mom makes me thankful, on Mother's Day ... because of her, I knew how to raise them, how to love them, unconditionally! Thanks Kristian, Zach and Megan for allowing me to Mother you! And Happy Mother's Day, Mom ... thanks for teaching me how to be a good Mom!!! And Michael ... thank you for my children and your love!


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