Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weather & Moods ...

Both can change so quickly and are often unpredictable. This morning I got up and was in a fantastic mood ... was at church by 7 a.m. like usual, did my regular "housekeeping" things ... put out the offering plates, the bulletins, the announcement and then warmed up with the band for the contemporary services. I was in such a good mood. It was a little cloudy out, but not bad for a spring day. About midway through the second service, thunder started rumbling in the distance and rain started to sprinke. By the beginning of the second service, the thunder was louder, lightning flashed every once in a while and the rain was pouring. My mood became darker as the weather changed ... and for no apparent reason. By the time third service rolled around the thunder rolled even louder and the rain came down much harder and more steadily. By the time I got home, I was feeling down ... extremely tired ... couldn't keep my eyes open.

Mike kept asking if I was ok; suggested I go lie down and take a nap (rather than having my head nod back and forth and my neck jerk each time I dozed.) I said "No!" About a half hour later I gave in ... went to bed and slept for about two hours, I think. I must have needed it. When I awoke, the clouds were gone from the sky ... the sun is now shining ... the wind is still blowing but it's warmer. My mood ... still not so full of sunshine, but not all out terrible either. Just a bit cloudy, I guess. I hate simply sitting around, yet, I can't seem to make myself do anything. So frustrating. Tomorrow I'll be out shopping with a friend ... helping her pick out clothes for a trip she is getting ready to go on for work. Should be a fun and active day!

Today, we'll be grilling out for dinner ... I put all the trimmings together last night ... potato salad, pasta salad and deviled eggs. Mike is grilling pork loins. I'll probably sit outside while he grills ... get some fresh air ... maybe some fresh perspective!

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