Sunday, June 1, 2008

Senses awakened this weekend!

WOW! Friday night was one of those terrible, stormy nights here ... tornado touch downs, nearby; black clouds surrounding the sky with lightness underneath, then pitch blackness followed by daylight again; hail as big as tennis balls in neighboring areas ... it was only golf ball size and smaller here. I know that because I was outside watching the storm at some point. Zachary and his friend came over and were hanging out with us. The boys, including Mike, were watching the incredible light show from the lightening and then a torrential downpour. It was so many changes in such a short time span ... amazing. The other thing that is amazing is my calmness and that I actually went outside for a portion of it. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am extremely afraid of storms ... especially of lightening! Yet, Friday, I watched in wonder ... and used my nervous energy to clean the house!

Yesterday, I met a friend out at the Chatham bike trail. We walked around 12 miles, and it was
amazing how much we noticed as we walked and talked. Branches were down, of course, from the night's storms. The water level was high, not only in the ditches, but also in the lake and creek we walk along on the way. We saw a racoon, rabbits (not unusual), a beautiful royal blue finch. It would appear every so often and fly a bit in front of us as if it was leading us somewhere. We would talk about stopping and turning around, and it would show up as if to say ... come on ladies ... you can go a little further, still. So, we went obediently. Kristin said she felt in some ways that God was sending us messages to coax us along ... to give us a little nudge.

At one point in the waters along the banks were downed branches full of all sizes of turtles! Some branches had 5 or 6, some had 10 to 14 ... and it seemed to be a families... the varied sizes was so cool, and simple number ... neither of us had seen that many in one spot.

The sun was beating down on us, yet God would send an amazing gentle breeze at times to cool us. And we could hear the rustle of the trees and critters in the tall grass and brush.

Smells abounded ... the sweet scent of honeysuckle, fragrance of lilac, aroma of wet cedar! I can't even remember all of them, but those were the most obvious! The gifts that God gives us daily are so very plentiful ... I need more walks so that I remember to look, listen and feel his goodness!!

I hope God awakens your senses this week, too!!!

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