Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Decluttering ...

Wow, am I ever a packrat!!! In some instances that's good, but when you are trying to clean out one room and organize another it can be a pain.

When Zach moved out a few months ago, Kristian took over his room in the basement, which left her room upstairs available for office space. So, I finally got in gear and cleaned it out. Mike painted it for me over the weekend, and I have it mostly set up now ... looks pretty good. Me setting that room up, allows him to use the smaller office that I had set up. But it required me cleaning that out, too. I had sooooooo much stuff ... binders with and without papers in them. Books, books and more books!!! Journals ... mostly prayer journals ... took me a number of hours to do the decluttering because I would stop and read the old journals, or look through the old photo albums and pictures and letters and cards and well, you get the picture.

The good news is ... I have thrown a lot of stuff out!! The bad news is ... I should probably be throwing out a lot more!!

So, I'll continue to declutter ... it will be a never-ending process!!!

Have you decluttered lately??

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