Saturday, June 28, 2008

Stuck in a rut ...

I have so much to do ... with my writing, getting in shape (in all aspects of life, not just physical). But I gotta say the physical aspect seems to keep me from doing some of the others. I have been beating myself up quite often lately because of the shape I am in physically. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I feel unhealthy, yet I continue to let more pounds creep on. I can't seem to stop myself from eating ... and can't get myself motivated to move (exercise.)

One of my friends has done a tremendous job of losing weight , and she looks phenomenal!! You would think I would be inspired by that, but it appears instead I'm simply finding the pounds she's losing.

My Mom has lost a lot of weight, too, and looks terrific! In fact, she looks healthier than she has in years. But, she lost weight from being sick and in the hospital for 26 days in January, and as she has recovered. I would rather be heavy than go through what she did!!!!

Was doing great walking when I had someone to walk with, but she has been busy with family and travel. So, I haven't walked in a couple of weeks. Am I blaming her? Nope, but apparently I am using that fact as my excuse. I keep saying if I just had a treadmill I would use it every day ... and I believe that I would. But I don't have the $$ for a new one right now. GRRRRR!!!! Anybody have a treadmill that's only being used for a clothes rack or dust collector that needs to be moved out of your way? LOL!!!

Hoping to start up again this week with the walking, and regular devotions, and writing. I just need to get focused some how.

Hope you aren't stuck in a rut!!!

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