Friday, September 26, 2008

Finally time to post!

Life can get so busy ... and it seems to be for me, though there are days that I'm not sure what I 'm busy with.

Right now I am in Washington, D.C. at the Association for Women in Communications National Conference. I am the Springfield Chapter president and my chapter and my office graciously agreed to send me. I am learning a lot that I can use in both roles! So, I believe it will be beneficial and will help me be better in business, both my 9-5 job (though it isn't really 9 - 5), as well as my freelance work of writing, marketing and pr.

Today we had the privilege of touring the Newseum. It displays all of the major of events of history as depicted through the media. There was so much information, spread out over 6 floors, that in the two hours we had it was impossible to go through everything ... we hit the high points.

It is amazing to me all of the things that our nation has gone through ... the first printed newspaper, magazines ever printed. First broadcasts on both television and radio. So many basic things such as these. But there was so much more in depth information ... the display of the UniBomber's hideout house; a 4-d movie that showed Nellie Bly's courageous willingness to expose the horrid treatment women were receiving in an insane asylum by going undercover as a mental health patient; we saw details of the Oklahoma City bombing; Pattie Hearst's ordeal; the beginning of comics/cartoons; an interactive area for people to record themselves as a tv reporter;

I must say the most moving experience for me was the 911 exhibit ... it was incredible listening to so many people who had been there and literally saw the event first-had ... many were journalists, photographers and the emotion with which they spoke was heart-wrenching. Both men and women left the exhibit wiping tears from eyes for the senselessness of this event. As with many others, I know exactly where I was that fateful morning on 2001. I was the PR Director of a local college. As soon as we heard, faculty, staff and students migrated to the student lounge and gathered together to watch as everything unfolded. We cried ... we stood in disbelief. Many of us prayed as we stood there and on that day and throughout the week we held prayer services. It was one of those events ... very tragic ... that for short time at least, brought people together. Brought people to God. Helped us gather as a nation to stand together.

It was a wonderful glimpse into our history, though so much of it is dismal. It makes me wish I had paid more attention in history classes over the years. Perhaps it will help me pay more attention today!

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