Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just another Friday night!

I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home! Mike had to work the football game at his school, and Kristian had plans to go to the Glenwood game with her friends. Her friends decided not to go, so we got to hang out together instead. And we were quite a pair. She has been doing lunges in PE class, so could hardly walk. I twisted my back getting up from a squatting position while taking pictures for work the other night. (A sign I'm getting older and not as flexible, huh?) In any case, I could hardly turn to look out the back window of the car. In spite of our aches and pains we had a great evening together!

We went to the bank and opened a checking account for her. She already had one at another bank, but it wasn't convenient for her ... this one is. She does pretty well managing her money. And we encourage that. Mike and I neither one were really taught the money management thing very well. In light of that, have made some mistakes along the way and are correcting them now. Tomorrow we even start a course at church ... David Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I'm really looking forward to it! I don't think Mike is going to go to the meetings (Sunday is his lesson plan, get-ready-for-the-week night.) He has promised he will read the materials, watch the DVDs, and work with me on it! We've been doing really well as of late communicating about the finances! This will only help us in that area : )

Back to Kristian and me. She is taking Culinary Arts at CACC (Capital Area Career Center) and needed a pair of shoes that would be comfortable and safe so, of course, we headed to the mall. Found some cute little jackets that were so cheap we couldn't afford not to buy them ... until we tried them on ... looked at each other and said ... "Uh, no!" They were way cuter on the hangers! So, we left them ... I know Mike will be proud of us for that! LOL!!!

We did find a dress that she wants to wear to an upcoming wedding ... so we'll go back and get that later. We moved on to find the shoes. She said, "Mom let's go to Hot Topic." I'm pretty sure I rolled my eyes and said OK, sure that we couldn't possibly find the shoes she needed in there. I stand corrected. Not only did they have them, they had them marked down 50% and then another 50% off of that ... $9 : ) YAY!!! So, she got those and a $5 pair of black canvas tennies. A successful visit to the mall. We listened to her music on the way to and from. Stopped and got a treat at the Cookie Factory and headed back home, where we went our separate ways. She headed downstairs to watch her TV shows, and I watched a depressing movie and sat on the couch crying! Yes, I know I could have changed the channel, but sometimes a good cry is a good thing!

Zach stopped by and showed me his new car. Bought a 2007 Chrysler 300. It was dark outside, so didn't get a good look, but I think it was like a slate color blue/gray. Beautiful interior and the main thing he needed ... lots of leg room! Remember, by baby boy is 6'11" : ) He seemed pleased with it, got a good deal, and I know he'll be safe in it. His other car was in poor shape. He's stopping by sometime today so he can show Mike. Perhaps it will be daylight and we can actually see it : )

OK ... I've read the paper already, had breakfast and checked e-mail ... must go to the grocery store and start my Saturday!

Happy weekend!

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