Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Everyone has issues ...

When I think about the things in my life that I sometimes worry about ... health, finances, relationships, etc., there are often issues in the lives of those around me that seem so much more significant.

My best friend's father-in-law passed away yesterday. She has recently had to put her father in a nursing home so that he would receive the care he needed. And they have two small children to care for in the middle of it all.

My boss' 10-year old dog got sick suddenly, and now he has to decide whether surgery is the best route or whether it will be best to put him down. Anyone who has pets knows they become a "human-like" part of the family. So the decision will not be an easy one.

And I recently found out that someone I interviewed for a magazine profile who said that her son was the light of her life has learned that at only 11 years old, has a rare childhood cancer. I can't even imagine how she must feel.

Another close friend is trying to stop smoking; another is dealing with job issues; my Mom is facing another surgery; my Dad is unhealthy and won't face it or take care of himself. Issues everywhere ... we all have 'em!

So, as I have told a couple of folks lately ... the cool thing is no matter what our issues are, whether we think they are big or small, God doesn't see them as we do. He handles all of them in the same manner. He sees each of us as important, as well as the cares and burdens we carry, and He celebrates our victories with us, too!

He is an awesome God and I'm glad He walks with me and is willing to handle my "issues." Allow Him to handle yours, too!!

Wishing you a day full of blessings!


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