Sunday, August 17, 2008

So proud of youth at church!

WOW!!! A group of our teenagers led the worship service at church today! It was phenomenal because it came for their hearts and was genuine. There was singing and drama that touched hearts in a big way ... at least it did mine ... and I saw others crying, too. There were video testimonies and even the message was given by one of the teens. Four teens also stood out front ready to accept people who wanted to come up front and pray with them. It was an amazing service. I'm sure that God was pleased. You know it's so often that rather than us leading the youth, we should allow them more freedom to lead us!! They talked about God being our rock, our fortress, our salvation, and how He is there for us to lean on, and how temptation is part of our lives, but that if we just ask He will help bring us out of the muck and will forgive us! They even gave each of us a rock with a cross drawn on it as a reminder that God is our rock! Way cool!! Way to go Chatham Presbyterian teens! You rock!!!

This was also the day that our third graders received their Bibles. It seems not that long ago that the teens who led worship today were getting their third grade Bibles. Thornton and I just talked about that very thing the week prior as we looked around and noticed so many of our teen helpers for VBS were those that 8 years ago (when me and my family started going to CPC) were the same "kids" that we were leading in song and VBS so many years ago.

It also seems not that long ago when I stood up front at First Presbyterian Church in Calvert City, Ky. receiving my third grade Bible. I still have it! It's red and worn. It's been highlighted, written in. I've noted verses that spoke to me. I've made notations as to dates of sermons or small group studies. I still have it and perhaps, I'll get that one out and read it this week. Review the notes I have in it. See the thoughts I've had through the years. Invite God to talk with me as I read through it.

Thursday 2.5 miles
Friday 2.5 miles
Sat. - 2 miles

Life is good!!!

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