Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to school!

Ahhh, back to school time! Well, for Mike & Kristian, anyway : ) We'll have some adjusting to do this week, as school starts for both of them tomorrow.

In preparation, mine and Mike's Friday night date night was a visit to the mall for some school clothes ... at least the start of his school clothes. He's excited because it's mostly going to be t-shirts and shorts : ) Remember, he is a P.E. teacher/coach! He'll also be teaching behind the wheel for Driver's Ed. Afterwards, we met friends for dinner ... beer and pizza at a local Italian restaurant ... we had fun! Note to self: Need to make an effort to get together with friends more often!!

Saturday was the day to get the rest of Kristian's school clothes. It was fun, too! And, when Kristian and I shop, it usually begins as a fun outing, but typically doesn't end that way. Yesterday, we went to the mall ... hit one store ... then got her ears pierced (again ... this is the fourth time, I think.) She has very sensitive ears so they usually get infected. We've tried Titanium this time ... hopefully, it will work! After we finished shopping she said "Mom, we should go see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 tonight. So, not only did she want to go shopping with me (I offered to give her money and just let her call a friend to go. ... she said she wanted to go with me!) but she wanted to actually hang out later, too!! YAY!!! It has been a great weekend! Hopefully, that will lead into a great week!!!

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