Sunday, August 3, 2008

I love my job and what it allows me in life!

I have a great job that I love! I enjoy the people I work with, the varied duties of the actual job and the opportunities I have to grow through those opportunities. I also love the flexibility I have as it allows me to serve in other areas of my life that are sooooo important to me ... namely, taking care of my family and serving in my church!

Tomorrow I get to take the day off so that I can register Kristian for her junior year of school! I can hardly believe she's only got two more years of high school!! Where has the time gone?? The fun part, is I think she is actually ready to go back ... we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts!!!

I also get to spend much of my day at church getting ready for one of my favorite weeks of the year ... Vacation Bible School!!!! I always have fun watching the kids learn about God/Jesus! Seeing the light go on in their eyes and hearing them sing the songs and do the motions that we teach them ... it's going to be COSMICTASTIC this year! You can check it out at

OK ... have some work to do before I can go to bed!!

Catch ya later : )

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