Saturday, July 26, 2008

Laughter ... we all need a good dose of it!

Last night I went with Judy, Rachie and Hillary to see "Urinetown" in Rochester! It was great ... a bit warped, a bit off-color, and sooooo funny! I think Mike and the kids would actually like it and maybe appreciate it even more than me. I found myself laughing like I hadn't done in a while. And boy did it feel good!!

Mike and Kristian are just leaving Minnesota. He drove up yesterday to get her. Kristian went back with Megan and Brian on Monday and has been there visiting all week! Can't wait to here about her week!

Weigh-in was good this week ...down 2.8! Yeah! Gotta start somewhere. I don't anticipate every week will be that good, but I'm excited that the number was significant this week. Makes it easier to want to exercise and eat right. I'm really watching the portions, too : ) I'm giving myself one day a week to eat what I want!! That helps, as I don't feel so deprived! Tried yoga & pilates this week. Really liked the pilates. Just rented a DVD from Family Video. I think I'm going to buy a pilates dvd today ... I liked it best. I also did two two-mile walks ... hope to increase that number in the coming weeks. Would like to start making it part of my a.m. routine. Have been so exhausted (for no apparent reason) lately, that I've had trouble getting out of bed, much less getting up earlier for a walk!

We'll make that the goal for next week ... early to rise for a two-mile walk daily!

Here's to a new day and new opportunities!

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