Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quick thoughts ...

Life is precious ... treasure it! One of my best friends, Thornton, lost his Mom suddenly this week. It has been hard on their family because their love for her was so strong ... especially hard for T's wife, Judy. She was especially close to her ... I know she is hurting! The positive is that they know Mom is in a better place and she was a devoted Christian.

Health matters ... Had a doctor appointment last week! Yuck! Obese was the word that was gently whispered ... by looking at me, it's easy to tell I'm overweight, one likely wouldn't say obese, though (or maybe they would!) ... that's what the BMI, scale and frankly, my clothes are all screaming. I'm trying to take it seriously this time ... portion control ... some of my friends at work today were especially encouraging as I ate my WW lunch : ) I so appreciated that! They said they are going to do their best to encourage me through a three-week period ... takes 21 days to make a habit, you know!

Exercise is key ... last night I walked about 3 miles with a friend. We'll be kickboxing, soon, too! Looking forward to it!

God is always great ... even in the downtimes! I'm so thankful I have Him to lean on, cry to, share with!

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