Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My brother, shoes, kick-boxing and walks!

My brother was in for a visit over the holiday weekend! Always good to see him ... though we didn't end up having a lot of time together. Sadly, we spent the most time together at Shoe Carnival picking out a new pair of running shoes for me, so I can get this body moving. That isn't the sad part, of course. The sad part is that I had him go to the Shoe Carnival ... he is a manager of the one where he lives in Louisiana. So, during his vacation time, of all places, I drag him shoe shopping.

On the upside (well for me) he was so helpful. He has worked for the company for the better part of 21 years and knows his stuff. When I tried on a shoe, and described how it felt he would tell me why, and move me to the next shoe. After about 6 to 10 pairs (give or take) I finally found the right fit. I'm not sure he realizes how important this pair of shoes is for me! I need something to help motivate me to better health. And I'm sure he could tell by looking at me that I need to get moving! And I have ... took the dog for a walk yesterday. My friend and I had planned to walk tonight after work, but it's been storming/raining since 4:30. We've already scheduled a walk for Thursday night. I'll be out of town for work this weekend, so will not get to do a fitness walk Saturday, though I will be walking around a couple of wineries for a story. Perhaps on Sunday after church and before small group we can get our long walk in!

Next week, we're starting kick-boxing!! WooHoo! Last time I did that I loved it and it helped get me in shape.

OK .. that's enough babbling for now : )

Have a fantabulous week!!

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Hi Lisa...so you found some shoes now get out get moving. No more excuses, just get it done my friend.

Im sure your brother enjoyed helping you choose your shoes, think of it as bonding time between the both of you. Im sure he will remember it forever.

Now that you mentioned shoes I need to get myself a pair aswell. Thanks for the reminder.