Saturday, July 5, 2008

Let Your Life Count ...

One of my best friends gave me a copy of Donna Partow's book titled "Let Your Life Count." I've been reading through it and trying to apply some of her advice. She also has a Web site and I signed up for 90-day renewal ... so I recieve an e-mail each day to encourage me. Very cool! I like the site and am getting so much out of the book that I purchases another of her books. It's call "Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be." It is another 90-day journey to putting your priorities in the proper perspective dealing with mind, body and soul!! Today is Day 6 and so far it is wonderful. I've written my Personal Vision Statement; set up a prayer area in my home office for daily devotions; trying to memorize scripture and pray by using scripture. I am finding that it is all very powerfull.

Today, as I showered and continued to pray I had this overwhelming sense of God's presence washing over me, literally. It was so incredible! I just knew He was encouraging me to let go of any baggage that I have let settle into my life. He took the negative at that moment and again, literally washed it down the drain!!!

I want my life to count for my family, my friends, myself, and most importantly for God. This newest 90-day journey is based on Proverbs 31. I am going to work more diligently toward that type of woman. I am already feeling better about life, self, relationships, purpose, etc. Life is good, because God is great!!

Be sure and thank God for your blessings today! I know that I am thankful!!

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