Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall ... my favorite season!

I'm sure that for many Spring is a time of renewal! For me, the fall season is a season of renewal. I love the cool, crisp air, the vibrant colors changing on the trees and then crunching under foot. It is a wonderfully fresh feeling and it helps me thrive.

Work is busy right now as it is the end-of year wrap-up and beginning of the new year! We are already working on the November issue and November is always good! It is the start of so many things ... the beginning of my baby's life (as she was born in November ... hard to believe it was 17 years ago! YIKES!) It was the beginning of my brother's life (will be 40 years ... I love that!!! That one doesn't make me feel old, it's just fun to remind him that he'll soon be 40. Of course, he'll remind me that I am still older ... but that's OK! I'm sure he'd say wiser, too! LOL!!! It's the beginning of Christmas preparations and the month of my favorite holiday ... Thanksgiving! I love this holiday because it is a time of family gatherings, reflective thoughts on the blessings in life and no obligations for gifts, etc. It's just a holiday of sharing and I love that!

Of course, we can not forget that it is also the beginning of boy's high school basketball season! Carlinville's first home game is Nov. 24 and I am excited about it! A new school, new team, new crowd. I loved going to the Routt games, and I'm sure I'll love the Carlinville games, too. Just won't get to go to quite as many, as they play a lot of their games south. Cost of gas will limit my travels a bit!

In any case, fall is for fresh starts for me! Wishing you a fall of freshness, too!!


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