Monday, October 6, 2008

I can!

Reminding myself that, Yes, I can do the things that I've continued to say I would do:
  • Be a better wife, mom, stepmom, daughter, sister, friend, employee, freelancer ... always working on these ... and so many others!
  • Exercise/Eat right ... I'm already back on track ... joined WW and Snap Fitness! I know it will be a slow/tough process, with ups and downs ... but it will be totally worth it ... I'm already feeling better!
  • Write Jane's story ... so many things have been swirling in my head for this story that must be told. I have new interviews set up and moving forward!!!
  • Write MRRR with Leslie ... a book of devotions, stories related to connecting with others through good and bad times!
  • Write "Stormy" ... the novel I have in progress ... I'll get there!
  • Get financially fit ... in progress! Taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course through our church. I don't know that we'll be able to do everything he suggests, but we are already making positive strides in the right direction.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

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