Thursday, October 9, 2008

Connecting with others ... the circle of life!

Someone I talked with this week referred to life as a circle ... I loved that! Her reference was in reference to the way we start in one place with different people and often end up, maybe not in the same place, but with the same people touching our lives. I had two such encounters just this week.

Both were as a result of freelance interviews I did. The first was the office manager at the organization where I was interviewing the Executive Director. Betsey and I had done some training together for a marathon with the Team in Training program for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society a few years ago. She was participating in memory of her daughter who had lost the battle with cancer. I was participating in honor of three women from my church who had these blood cancers. All of them are fortunate in that they are survivors! Jane's story I am writing a book about. She and I had just scheduled two interviews ... a post-retirement interview with her so that I can get an update for the book. The second with her and her oncologist, who just happen to have an appointment next week. I'll be meeting her Doctor and will set up a separate appointment to visit with her about Jane's battle. The "chance" meeting with Betsey just affirmed the fact that I need to stay on task with this book.

The second was contact with the CEO of a women's shelter locally. I had interviewed her a few years ago for our local business journal after a tornado had ripped through the shelter. I had been meaning to contact her over the last few years to see if she would serve as a resource for a novel I am writing where the main character finds herself in an abusive relationship. Coincidentally, (I think not) I was asked to do profile on her for another publication. After the official interview for the profile piece, I mentioned the novel and asked if she would be willing to read a portion of it and if she would consider being a resource. She didn't even hesitate when she answered "Yes."!

Sometimes God knows our good intentions ... and finds a way to intervene to insure we are talking to, seeing, meeting the right people ... to give us just a little nudge in the right direction.

I am thrilled that He put me back in the path of these women to remind me how important it is to tell these stories, along with the devotion book that Leslie and I are collaborating on regarding connections! He has placed all of these writing projects in my heart! I am honored, and I'm making each of them a priority!

Who is in your circle? What are your priorities? Things to consider!


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