Monday, October 13, 2008

Random questions!

  • What do you do when someone you care about is hurting emotionally and you feel helpless?
  • How do you know what God's purpose for you is ... for sure?
  • Why is it so hard to keep priorities straight?
  • Who do you listen to when you are pulled in so many different directions?
  • When does life get easier?
  • How do you make people understand you love them every day, even if you don't visit or call every day ... and shouldn't the visiting and phone calls work both ways?
  • Why are some people harder to please than others?
  • How do you address the tough issues with those you care about most?
  • GRRRR!!! Why so many questions? All rhetorical, too, I suppose!


Chuck said...

1. All you can do is listen. Nobody thinks you can take their pain away or expects that you should.

2.Isn't he supposed to tell you? I've been told The Purpose Driven Life helps you find that direction, though I've never read it.

3.Keeping priorities straight usually isn't so hard getting them straight in the first place is where the challenge lies.

4.Your heart.

5.Life doesn't get easier. The way we overcome our challenges just has to improve.

6.The visiting and phone calls should work both ways, but normally they are weighted more to one side. Those you love know you love them. It's not something you have to prove.

7.No answer. It's the way it has always been and the way it will always be.

8.Directly and without regard for hurting their feelings. Sometimes it's easier over a cold beer.

9.Without so many questions, what would psychiatrists and psychologists do?

Chuck said...

Here's all I have to say about that.