Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mom in surgery today!

We thought she was going to come home without having the surgery. They had a lot of trouble finding a vein anywhere to put her IV in today. So she was sure she should be going home instead of into surgery. Then they brought in one more person ... he's been doing this for 42 years, found a vein, hooked her up, started the drip and rolled her into ER. We arrived at 5 a.m., they started admitting her pretty quickly and we were right on schedule for her 7:30 a.m. surgery. Of course they called me in the waiting room at 9 and said they were just getting started. It's gonna be a long day!

Dad is here, too. He's reading a book and I'm going to get some work done. Chuck wanted to be here, but couldn't get away. We'll be talking off and on all day! Have already chatted twice. Have called and talked to my cousin Tim and close friend of the family, Waneta. Aunt Bernice and Uncle Dean were already in town for his radiation treatments.

Thornton has already called to check on Mom. Joe (our pastor) has already e-mailed me to check on her, and of course, Leslie (best friend from Ky). I know that she is surrounded by prayer from not only our church family, but Leslie's, Mom's sisters' church families, cousins and their church families, my co-workers and on and on!

Here are a couple of God sightings to start the day ... when the first nurse came in to draw blood Mom of course, said "Good luck," knowing that it was so hard to find veins on her. The nurse found a vein on the first stick, drew the three tubes of blood and when finished said "Thank you, Jesus!" I took that as a great sign. The second nurse tried to find a vein for her IV ... to no avail. Said, well, God has a plan, doesn't he. Again, I relaxed ... though Mom was still focused on the fact they couldn't get an IV in.

She was taken down to holding in the OR area and three (I think) nurses, male and female tried to find a vein for the IV and couldn't. The last one that tried, looked at her arm, said I'll be right back. Came back with the needles and other tools, and said, "I'm gonna try." So, he knelt beside her, tapped her arm, near her wrist and closed his eyes several times. I sincerely believe he was praying. Dad said he noticed that, too. He is the one who found the vein that worked.

I just pray that everything goes well throughout the rest of the day and that they come out with great news that all went perfectly and she is on the mend!!

We were told probably 7 to 10 days hospital recovery time. Mom is hoping for three to five : ) Hopefully, her optimistic attitude will help in her healing!

Will check in later! Gotta get some work done!


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