Friday, October 17, 2008

Amazing week ...

It has been an amazing week of working on "Lesson Plans" (the working title of the biography I am writing about my friend Jane ... a Leukemia survivor.) Wednesday I got to meet her oncologist during one of Jane's many follow-up visits. Today I got to go and interview Dr. Bretscher. She is amazing and has one of the most caring hearts I've seen a doctor display! We had a great conversation about Jane and her insight will add greatly to the book.

Tomorrow I am doing a post-retirement interview with Jane. Next Tuesday evening I am interviewing Sarah ... a young woman from our church who is a Lymphoma survivor. Jane helped mentor her through all the various steps of battling cancer. I know her story will be a blessing to the book as well.

I'm gearing up for the emotional exhaustion that the writing of this book ignites. Tomorrow I will transcribe interviews. Starting on Sunday I will begin a regular writing routine, begin a habit of writing something every single day. If God truly does want this book I know He will provide the words as they flow to the page, the strength to continue when I am emotionally drained and the will to flesh out the other two chapters I have started ... one is done ... two others are almost completed. There are at least two additional ones to be written as well. So, here go. Tonight I'll do some re-reading so I'll be prepared to visit with Jane tomorrow.

It's going to exciting! She is a miracle and I am privileged that I get to tell her story : )

Blessings to all!

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